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tv   FOX 45 News at 10  FOX  July 4, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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look at this bed! this nightstand! this wardrobe! what are you doing here? you're in ikea. my dream bedroom is in ikea? yes. what's that bedroom over there? that's your husband's dream bedroom. whatever your style, take home your dream bedroom together. ikea. the life improvement store. a trucckslams into a seafood c.
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carryouu. " iiheard the guys yell look out. and i saw a truck just coming riiht for me" me" the desperate moments after tte crash...thh peoppe &pwho were hurt... and what may have caused it all. all. out in frce....the impact of a major police pressnce at the inner harbor 4th of july party. party. scatteeed thunderstorms are a possibility through the night.when they could move out and the sizzling outlooo for the rest of the week n my forecaat. and still struggling pithout eople are the big storm. 3 tens of thousands of people gather for the harbor... as america celebrates it's birthday.
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heelo, im jennifer gilbert jeff barnd is off tonighthappy 4th of julybaltimore's big fireworks display has juut ende. paryland science center where she's been watchinggthh 3 3
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a eavv olice ppesence did not revent violence at baltimore's 4th of juuy year. a man from alabama was stabbed to deatt on pier ffve was arrested and charged with that crime.and a four year old boy was as hit by whht police saa ws a stray bullet as the big crowd was leaving after the celebration. a year later, and still no oneehas beenn aarestee in that incident. those pictures may have kept &psome people away tonight. but it didn't stop thoussnds of others from enjoying tonight's at street tell us - about the cityypolice depprtment's all dayyeffort, to keep downtown afe. janice?
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janice?jennifer,since early this evennng, there has been police not just here t the harbor...but on just here at the been police noo eveningg phere has since earry this sinne early this evening, thereehas been police not just here at the harror...but on maay of tte corners of heavy pressnne, and they did delivvr...making people we ssoke to heree confident they coulddenjoy tonight's fireworksspeacefully. &pthe live usic is center stag. stage...and people are walking shoulder to shoulder. &pdifferent this year, even mor police ighhly weaved n with tte crood: crowd:"i've seen police riddng arouud n bikes, and i thoughtt neat!""we just noticeddtte regular ollce wereehere and nice"hundredssof ballimore - city pplice, state police and md transportation authority cameras....nd cityys police ..n-
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helicopper fox rrt... iss keepingg rack of the crowds. for some, it's giving thee mind...following last year's &pstabbing:"they're lways here to protect you 24/7" is where police ann emergency vehicles are staged, and this parked here all night"tonight, - the badgg is a reminder to any tragic event that could happen heee"bbt it will only ttke one look into the sky, today is all aboot. thattbrings s to our question of the are you &pcelebrating the 4th of juuy?
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lot of yoo had cookouts... ...and went to fireworks displays......and a few offyou are celebrating birthhaas and &panniversaries...tell us what dot om slash fox-baltimoree.. toojoin the discussionn the biggthing ccsttng aashadow ovve these the tens of thousands of people in the baltimore area... still without power.. power..about 60 thoosand people do not have electricity are in baltimore county...hem -3 ...about 20 thousand custommes are out of power in baltimore city the lack of power... combined with today's heat......seemed to make aaternoon ccokouts even otter.fox45's paul gessler hows us how some peoole celebrated he fourth: innthe dark-- and in the heet. &p "the parade and he firework pre catonsville's day in the sun."no fiiewwrks in the shortle's froot ard. yard. "hi there, phil!"the fire, literaaly, doeen't work. work. "we're nottgetting gaa... the
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tank is full."grilllproblems are pedestrian by this year's hooiday standards. standards. ""nn, i was without ppwer forr on)alas, reeief attthe end of the roland park paraae. paradd. "it's small ttwn america at its best." pest." "it's antastic. beautiful ddy!"a part of north baltimore hit hard... hard... house. it'' brutal."huse in our- brutal." "it's like camping n your wn houue. (laughter) i'm hoping t comes on soon." soon."""he fourth of julyy" jull fourth: thh fifth day withhut power for many. "not ideall but there you go. in ife." pife." "the fun part was running ttrough the waaer. thaa was the ffn paat." (sppashing, playing)whennlife make fun. power was recently restorrd to the shortle's catonsville home. home. 3&"there ya go!" was thee gas line to the grill. grill. "it's upposed to get uppto 100-103 in baltiiore."add a
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flame..(sizzle of urgeer)open - &pbuugers) 3pi wisely go tt work on saturrays and undays, so i've today." "i certainly hope they - gee power very, very soon, because it can be real painn neck." "it may be three of &ppower." "i mean, iffit's &pstill oof by the end of the week after the holiday's over, we''e gonna be pretty hoppin' mad, but today, we're gonna celebbaae."but, cellbrattons en. end. "ssrry, guys!" (turns off hoses) does patience for powerress pattiots. 3 3& "thank you,,firemee."in nort paltimore, paul gessllr, fox45 news attten. according to people at the parade--b-g-e ii telling &pcustomers in rollnd park it could be another three or four days" untillpower to them is reetored. the lack of pooer... cn also be llfe threatening.a maryland heep... s now pleaaing for - charlle crohare wws borr with &pa rare brain isorder. since the fammly's powwr went out last weekk.. he'' beennhaving dozens of seezures a dayythe
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gaithersburg, say they have aa portable generator... but it's air conditioning. o power the - "any seizure can be lifee &pthreateningg even more so wit charlie latelyy over the past couple of monthsswe've had some respiratory issues with charlie." 3his mother says shh has called.... pepco... herr times... not looking for prefeeential treatment... but simply hoopng to find out when their powerrwwll be restored. she says no one caa ive her an answer. after days without power .... ice is a hot commodity. the city passed out free bags of fallsttff road and park of heiihts avenue.residents waiting for electricityy.. hhve been ffrced o throw ut everything in their frrezers... and on a day like todaa.... theeice as a welcome reliif... ""q: even thoogh we dont have electricity... oo: e ppprrciate it right now." now." iceehassbeen hard to come byy... so many residents were also grabbing bags foo their
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elderly neighbors. the storms created aadouble whammy for some people n anne rundel county! myranda they're coping without power pyrrndd?jennifer,the nearly 200-people whoolive in thh north shore commuuity of pasadena are used to losing power and even water during a bad storm. but five days withoot both... áinnthis heatt... is just ppain miserrblee 3 naas 701 i was actually standinn right here 06curtt rutherford got out of the way just in time friday nightt- when he storms roughh down this assive tree in front of hii pasadenaahome. 722 i the door and beffre ould to shut the door ttis trre wooshed down 28his llfeewas sparedd- but not theee power lines. for fiieedays now... thhssentire north shore community has haa no a-c &p...and no well-water! uur 33 witththe generators we can't even pump water to ake a shower, do laundry, flush tte ttilets 8 ttey've been relying on the river to flush toilets... 857 here'' a pail that i used tt flush my
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toilets with with wattr in ii in this swwltering heat. rick - a waterfront commuuity , we can go swiming so hat's what we do 08b-g-eecrews have been around... but many wonder what they're dding. 1:56 we'vv had two guys sitting here looking at this ttee 24-7 for 33days now and they don't anythiig and look at it 05nats of crews 3 working oo line!!!but they cameras showee up. warnerr - lot of crrws down here too renew poles and put up wire that's all been tore down by simple job 44 that means at leasttanother night of leaning on he riverr.936 as yyu could see this is wherr i ssent myy curt... hasn't run dry this fourth of july. ((keep showing ccabs)))1010 we're gonna have cold beer and crabs and and the heat 15 curt ays b-g-- told him it -b pyranda stephees, fox45 news at ten..
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crews at the b-g-eecommand center haae been wwoking rrund the center is oordinating a ttammof 38-hundred people.. roles.... b-g-e also called in reinforcements - from evvrall other states and canada. piq: eerybody in the utility or in the company, has a storm role.... oq: nnoody sleeps when we have pooer out." out."b-g-e expectsstoowork the weekend. so, far they've - restoreddservice to more ttan half a mmllion customers. the summer....the power for - outages are stiil cusing 16 ballimore county schools will remmin losed tomorrow. all activites are ccncelled, but staff should still eport to alternate sitee. you can see a complete list of at fox baalimore dot com slash
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&ppewslinks. it may seem bad here...but he having serious probbems as well ...and their power company is ttking a lot of heat for its ree responserockville rrsidents arr also dealing with the aftermath f a majjr storm carrolton road was among the hardest hit... twoobroken utilitt poles are ssill blocking the street.around thee corner, faalen trees ave -&cr dark.... residenns say their - fed up with waiting..... paulson says: "i keep hoping minute and we'll be back in business bbt... right now... no sign." sign." yackee says: "this has been called in at least eight timms. i called twice today. &phalf the time they say 'oh... we don't know abouttii.' it's r" residentt ssy another maaor problem is traffic lights ... many areestill out... including this one along back ups during the evening commute.about 10--ercent of the customers in montgomery
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dark tonight an unsettling incident in meero ridersstake to the the hot cars... riders were plso lost powwr.that's when walking.the metro lost power &pbecause of outaaes in he area. 33 (10:50) "one general had the uuaccty to say thaa hh'd ratter have 500-white marines than 5-thousand black m. marines. they fought... &pfor the right to fight for ou country...thh struggge of the monttordd arines......and the honor they received... 70 years oor cover just 11 minutes also ahead...a newborn condition... how he beet the odds... and iispired his father tt change his own life.
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&p and i'm keith lookk... the damageeis severe. seafood carryouu... the peopll who ere hurt.... and what police found thht may have &panswers..coming up.ooe -
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it's the perfect match for the perfect moment -- oreo the dunkin' way. introducing the new oreo coffee coolatta and new oreo vanilla bean coolatta. taste the fun today. america runs on dunkin'. hurry in to dunkin' and try the new oreo coolatta and donuts today. into a seafood restaurant.
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one man is hurr tonight.. while workers barely escape thh out offcontrol vehicle. vehicle. keith daniels, live in southwest baltimore where nvestigators believe a d responsibleefor the accident.. . keith. jennifer..... we're live at monroe and pratt street. peopleewho people ho live here call it
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&pthe crabbhouse corner.. several seafood carryoutt are at this interseccionn the accideen happened behind &pme t the sea pride crab can see a huge hole a the front entrance here tte door used to be. ii's not something yoo see too often.. a truck inside a carryout. this green pickup slammed into the sea pride rab hoose at monroe and pratt..... struck one man him under the vehicle. paramedics rusheddhim to shock trauma.(shorbbemployee) "i was in tte walking cooler and i camm out, i went around the side of the truck, hopped overr the truck to make ure nobody &pwas underneatt ann just so happens, there was a guy underneatt he trrck." endangered lives. ii could have been my children in ttere, myychidlren cculd be .......lives a few doors down. he heard he craah, grabbed his camera. he snapped pictures...thh chaos captuued from inside the restaurant... just moments fter the
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accident. and his videooof the driver....(kuhn) "the guy was knockeddout old. when he woke up he didd't have any idea what happeeed. i'm not unnerneatt, but he wws rapped under the vehicleeaad that was (áááánnts up full: "awwww, he victim could be heard screaminn in firefighters climb oovr the trrck to his rescue. wiinesses say the drivee appeared dazed.. and ttey say several beer cans fell from inside the trrck. thee crash friggtened pmployees.....iicludinggkaaen guys yell, look out!" ..........she was standing at the register with a cc-worker, when she says she saw nothing but the color green coming straight toward her.(sipes) "he was standing beside m one seccnd and the next second, he was gone. so, i thought he was the one that anded under the truck. but luckily, hee &pbacc. so, everyyody made it out except for that mann..."
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phat truck is in good conditionnat his hour. meanwhile, the driverris in police custody. investigators say he ould including a possible d-u-i &pcharge. live in weet 45 news at ten. police areeinvestigating after a dooble shooting leaves one man dead in east balttmore. afternoon near the ay north spring street... and - offiiers found a 26-year-old mmn who'd been shot to death.a second victim walked into johns hopkins hospitall ith gunshot wounds. police believe no wwrr on any suspects. aad a man is behind bars tonight after pooice raid a homeein south baltimore. &pccarles willon was arreettd after police searched a home &pon norland road tuesday. inside, they found more than 11-thousandddollarssin cash, 8 guns,,prescriptiin drugs ann uncoveredda police scanner and a baltimore police epartment jacket. ilson faces
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multiple drug and weapons charges. fox45 has teamed uppwith the most popular ccime mapping websiteeon the inttrnet activity in your eighborhood. you can also gee emails when crime happens.sign up by going to our website... fox- bbltimore dot com...and click on "spottrime" in the "hot topics" ssctionnat the top of tte screen the romney campaigg... seems to be changing itt mindd.. &p...about whattto call thh penalty you''l pay under health care theesupreme court's decision last week... ...the jussces called it a tax. last weekend...a senior called it a "penalty"... just as the obama administration doe the president......for what - innreese in merican history. in a tapeddinterview today... they concluded it was a tax. thhts what it is. and the american people know that pledge he has ade. e said he wouldn't raise taxes on
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middle income americanss" americans." romney open to charges that he pealthcare billlin massachhsetts... when he was ggvernor. and speakiig of of a fox45 town hall meeting next ttursday night....uly 12th at ssven p-m.and you can seeeittby going o fox- baltimmre-dot-com.. independeecc daa doosn't come withouutthose who fight and sacrifice for our freedom. ponight.. our sisser station in west palm eacc, florida gives us an up close look at phe hiitory of the elite navy seall.. janaaeschbach tells us pbout the ties we ll have to these troops. troops. elite wwrriors..ere in the innense heat..and thick pooqqitos of floriia..( frrnk winget/ resrvv navy seal officer)[duration:0:11]in 11-42..the navy seals began
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training in fort pierce, florida...then called the amphibious scout and raider the national navy seal-udt museum.focused on underwater training to land troops at the eaches durrng porld war 22.coastlines packed with heavy &pmetals and wooden beamm meant &pto destroy incoming ships.. weree emolished by navy seals. ( chuuk theisss navv seal -udt 1950)[duraaion:0:06] the military. nothing comes in - near it..nothinn.">>in korea special wwrfare groups focused propellinggform l wwafare...- elicopters..and ngaging in &phand-to-hand combat. [durationn0:04]>in 1983 the underwater seals as one...and have become only 8-thousand evee serving unable to complete the nn - beepart of a seal team.( pector deegaao/ avy seal) [[uuation:0:10]
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successes that theeunited states mlitary haa aaheiied, laden's assasination.. to n piraaes thwarted in somalia.. [duratiin:0:08]the navy seal museum..not juss a a parffre in the last half century..buu a tribute in action from 1943 to the present.[duration:0:12]
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3 3 33 3 thousands of peoplespenn this fourth of july watching paradessjohn rydell was in
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((bands))sure it's hot t... outside...but aater all...this is...theefourrh of july. matter to this crowd. they're here wiih family and indepedence daa. ((ttlin) "you nneddto saluue and ceeebrate pur country aad the veteraas who ought ii the warr." ((nats))(brooos) "it ust takes a moment to saa 'ah, yyu know what, this is what america's all about."((nats)) baltimore's...marchinggravens ddlighted this partisann crowd...((nats))and so did many other bands...belting out patriitic tuness..(foley) 'oh faces as the floats go by." ((nats))///new at 10/// (rydell) "and among many in this huge holiday crowd, there is a new found appreciation
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ffr all those creature comforts offhome, at least for thooe wwo have finally had "youuneeee realize hoo important electricity is (laughs)and rrmember...our nation's founding fathers...more than survived...without... any electricity. we were able to survived."(nats)and that d, we reason to celebrate. in towson, john ryyell,,fox 45 news at ttn. other parades wereheld dundalk...catonsvii le....arbutus...and annapolis. and my son michael and i were there... enjoying a cool ride in a mustang convvrtible, thanks to ron farb of the mustanggclub.vytas and his daughter anisss were also thhrr.a reat day for a pprade. we've got them on facebook too. legislate laws but you can't change people's heerts and mind"
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serve... separately.the ssruggle of the montford marines......and the problemss they still see... 70 years our cover story... aater the break
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cocococococococococo[ barks ]st] [ cat meows ] [ woman ] ♪ i just want to be okay ♪ be okay, be okay ♪ i just want to be okay today - ♪ i just want to know today - [ whistles ] ♪ know today, know today - [ cat meows ] - ♪ know that maybe i will be okay ♪ [ chimes ] travelers can help you protect the things you care about... and save money with multi-policy discounts. are you getting the coverage you need... and the discounts you deserve? for an agent or quote, call 800-my-coverage... or visit &pmarines lloked a lot
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different.... back pnly..... aad it took an act of the president to order the marines o
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this ountry's first black and onnthissfourth of july,,jeff abell akes s fought one enemy abroad.....and annther one home. (23:12) "all these men in here were memmers of my outfit..." when he charles wellsshad pllnned to - become a printer...... but a lltterrfrom the draft poard.....tuuned hii intt a fighter. (1:02) "well my choiccs weren't too reat eithee obey them or go too prisoo and i haddno desirr to go to prison." it wass charles.....was abouttto become one of the firrt blaaks admitted into the marine corps. president roosevelt marines to &pobjections from the last whites-only branch of the military. (10:50) "one general had the audacity po say that he'' ather havee 500-white marrnes than 5- thousand black marines. he
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didn't think we had the courage to fight. they didn't givv us a chance." from the beginninn....wells discovered that black mariies were treated far differennly phan white marines. bbacks &pwere trained ttmontford poin carolina.....whites... ..eeeetraiied lsewhere. (3:09) "i realll expected a larre woodennbarrack but we had huts that slept abouu 12 center." after boot camp, bback marines were never givvn a fighting chance. for pears, they were never assigned to combat. (9:48) we weren't fighting marines." (8:40) "i never ouched a piece of ammunition the whole ttme i was in the marine corrs. i for wells and hundreds of ottee african american marines....they were till separate and hardly equal. (9:02) "we were anxious
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to fight we thought we should be able to fight." (10:12) "its interestinn that weecould be selected and sent to fight for our country where in some instances, we couldn't elect the folks who sent us...." it would be almost a decade before blaak marines were allowed onnthe front lines. charles wells fulfilled his two--ear obligation....and came home. 11:44) "i didn't want to rrenlist and i on't hink they wanted uu to reenlist. they wanted to gettus all out..." (video/naas mmrccing band) last week, the iliiary called thhm back. somm fouu-hundred survviinn marines whh trained at montford point came to washington for the salute they never received. tthy received congressional gold years afteerthey were called to serve. (13348) "at least thee ecognizze someehing about us. that e were there. we did play a part." but eeen as theyy
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help but wonder just how far the marines haae really come. (21:57) "they had the marine corps band there about 60-meebers and didn't see but one black pprson...." made history.... but tte fight is still on. laws but you can't change &ppeople's heaats and minds." (17:39) "it'll be a constant fighttdown to the -&r &pfox 45 news at ten. montford point marines who liie in maryland. they gather once a month to share 3 zimmerman says, "there are &pjerks everywhere, iggtt? inn the off-line world and in the onnine world worldmis-behaviig on social mediahow it cculd lead to a new form of extortion.
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3 -3 you ready buddy? you're probably not getting called up to the majors. but your fence? that's pro. finish like a pro with cabot wood stains. cabot...that's pro.
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we gotta sell the car. where would we even start? get the car. hi howard. get in. hi, good to see you. start with an actual written offer when selling your car, no strings attached. carmax. start here. ♪ ♪ looking for someone you can trust? with ase certified technicians and the latest technology, this is the exception to the rule. this is sears auto center. woman is making military
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hissory.she's the first to qualify for one of six new jobs that have just opened up for women in the army.cicely
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26-42"all they told me was e 3 that these jobs had just opened for women. i was like, well i found one that looked interessiig. and i'm familiar with motors and everythhng and i was interested in that so i mean we ust sttated the processsfor it and i did well on my testt" test.""ast year, government officials rrquested all brannhes of tte armed services review their olicces to make sure women have an eeual phance to compete in the military. verstein will lave for bbsic training in november. good news for thooe of you ccackinggopen ssme crabssto celebratt the 4th of julyy... state biologists say this year's crab population as rebounded to record levels. levels.the crabbing season began early.ann it appears the gooddnews foo custooers at places like o's seafood on joppa road in towson.managers there say they are very pleased with the catcces that
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medium crabs here, they're heaviee. people ssem to be happer with them."> ttem.">ii appears the effortt to cleanup theechesapeake bay are paying ff. a d-n-r urvey estimates there are more than 750-million craas in he bay. &pthat's two-thirrs mmreethan last year'' leeels. and since phe fall. 3 3 33--3 puttiig a stop to hiccuus...
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how it works.. next. &pi'' ggiig to o a scathing toothe health epartment. you - department. and social media extortion ... how scammers are threatening bussness owners with baa reviews... and the giving n. ♪
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♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] virtual wallet can help you be that person who's good with money. see what's free to spend. move money with a slide. save with a shake. feel good about your decisions. save with a shake.
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çç if you ever get thee hiccups.... you know how annoying it can be. be. 3 a sacramenttoman says he's found a way to stop them....and he's workiig to shelves. re - chuck ray developed the you place the stickk lengthwise cross your mouth, &pbite own, and ddink aaglaas of waaer. (ray says, "i had aapen in my
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mouth absent-minnedly took a drink of water, and it didn't stop the hiccups, but i noticcd a channe... enough that make me says whoa whht hap" happened?" the product is currently sold onliie ffr about eight dollars. but hhrees the thing.... a teaspoon of sugar works from me. 3if a bad photo of youushows up on yoor facebook news feed... chances are youu ffiend did it on purpose. purpose.a nw surrey finds admitted they posted pictures of theer ffmaae friends most of them said thee put up cellulite after having a d - fight... and one fifth f them said they refused to ttke down pictures when asked. thanks to popular rating websites like yelp, restaurants are being targeted by a new kind of carrie peirce reports in
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tonight's worr on the web, experts are warning about social media extortion. 3 &p3 when building a business on word of mouth... a bad review online... can be a virtual take. takeddwn. mayugba says, "we got this review from our extortionist and it'' one star, of course." sacramento estaurant coming: a nasty review &pfrom a patron who claimed he got food poissning... soon he received this email.... mayugba says, "iim going to do a scathinn review oo you on yelp,,and reporr you to thh health department; howeeee if you buy me a huudred dollar gift card to elll, which is a nnce restaurant here in town, you'll save me froo doing all those things,,aad to me, that was extortion." mayugba didn'' pay dime - and the customer's post didn't mention ann food poisoningg confirming his suspicions the accusation &pwas false.zimmerman says, "thereeare jerks everywhhre, right? in the off-linn world and in the online world." the growing popularity of to a new kind of cyber crrminal: the extorttonist who
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knows his post is a ppwerful ownnr to do? experts say the best solution is to turn the business' more effective even ressonneeis going to be to create a counter-narrative onli" online." &p yelp! does allow business owners tooflag questionable content, and its ttaa prottcttagainst "fake or - maalciiussreviews."im carrie peiice and thats your word onn the web. 3 m. murphy says, "i uut saw mm son go through the impossible &pand howed me anything is &ppmppssible. i new if he couldddo it, i could do it. " " p3 a father inspired by his son's survival... why he credits the boy with saving his own life. food safety... what's n he caussng a rise n superbugs.
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[ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway:
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the new santa fe steak melts. get extra grande flavor with the santa fe steak & bacon melt. juicy steak, crispy bacon, and melted cheese with creamy santa fe caesar. or try adding egg for a santa fe steak, bacon & egg melt -- a favorito for breakfast but muy bueno any time of day. get to your local subway and claim your steak today -- with new santa fe steak melts. subway. eat fresh. the roof was open and the sun
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rare occurrences aa safeco ly - the oriolessand mariners completed their three phenom chris tillman was calleddup from norfolk for the spot start, and he had ssme offensive helppvery early... early... top 2nd...adam jones stakess tillman to a lead with this shot to left...his 22th home
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run of the year...and the birds jump out to the earlyy 1-0 lead......and tillman was throoing n the bottom of the second he punches ut john jaso..tillman's first major league starttsince august of 20-11.......anddgot some more offensive 3rd, chris davis ssoots this single into right...robert andino was 3-00.....and david pretty fair with the effort in right to rob ut this really a right fielder...the birds...and tillman...get the win...4-2 the final... 3&tilllan the storr in this one....ust superb n his fiistt start siine august of last year...88and a third, just 2 hits, 2 runs and 7 strikeouts...he's being placed on the bowie roster for proceedural reasons, where he'll pitcc on monday and then rrturn to the ooiolee later in the week.mary reynolds 2-4 with twooruns sccred...robert andino 2 for 3 with am rbi..and adam jjnns with his last yearrthe o's open up a four game set in anaheim
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we'll hear from tillman...and his pleasantly surprised manager...coming up at 11:33 as sports unlimited conttnues. 3 3 3&superbugs are bacteria that are resistanttto one or more pntibiotics and they kill thousands of people a year.... ...and the problem is getting worse.accorring to consumer of antibiotics to the animals we eet is a contriibting &pfactor.and as tommrodgers explains... itt new surrey finds a majority of people want meat in their supermarkee that's raissd without annibiotics. 3 ((tom on cam))you probably aasuue most annibiotiis are prescribeddfor people.not so. &pit's estimated that 80 perren of tte antibiotics used in this country are giien to fasterrand to ppevent ddsease is contributing to the rise of - antibiottc-resistant consumer reportt jean o &phallorann and if you get sick jean hallooaa)"ittmay be very -
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difficult to find an anttbiotic that will help you get well. it mmyyeven be probllm is widespread. when consumer reports last tested &pchicken, two-thirds of the samples had harmful acteria,, and more thhn half of hese bugs were resistann too antibiotics. in fact,,at whole - foods that'ssthh only kind of meat you'll find. but at other storee, it can be much harder to figure out wwat you're getting.(soo: jean halloran) ""e found a few labels that were misleadinn and not even approved by the governmenn." (v/o)"antibiotic free," is one example. nd the label "natural," while approved, has nothing to do with antibiotics. more helpfulllabels are ones like "no antibiotics administered" and "no antibioticc ever." but evvn better are ones that also say governmmnt has gone out and e - make ssre they're doing what they claim."(v/o)"organic" iss another sure bet ffr shoopers. all orggnic meat issraisedd withhut antibiotics.looking for these labels is thh best
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way tooensure that thh meat you're buying has no meat raisse without nd that than regular meat. its more shoppers found meat producedd pittout antibboticc at very stores. tom rodgers, fox45 news at ten. a nnwborn with a life-threatening condition... how he beat the odds... and inspired his father to change his own life. ...and coming up in justt5 &pminutes on the late editton... edition... &pmaybe they do have an app for pverything.we'll tell you abbut one that makes a old promise. 3 and good day for pandaa.why these lovable beasts are making a big comeback.
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looking for someone you can trust? with ase certified technicians and the latest technology, this is the exception to the rule. this is sears auto center. aa hrre-year old with a life-&t
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saving hii father'' life. life.when shawn murrhy was born... he had a bad kidney and an extra urethra..doctors had no iiea if tte newborn shawn enduued three . but baby ground-breaking surgeries and survived.shawn'' ordeal inspired his dad to drop in two-years, he has a number of riathlons under


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